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Thank you from The Nora Project

Writer's picture: Women Giving Back ILWomen Giving Back IL

Women Giving Back,

The Nora Project wants to thank you again for your support.

This year, we're recognizing our major donors with membership in our Producer's Club. Membership begins at $3,000, which is the cost, on average, that it takes the organization to support one Nora Friend and his or her friendship group. Program

expenses include two iPads per Nora Friend; one computer per classroom; tripods microphones and film-making software; kindness resources, including books and online media subscriptions; a per classroom activity stipend for hosting Nora Friends at school and an extra-curricular event stipend for hosting Nora Friends on field trips and outside of school; and a curriculum director and inclusion specialist to support curriculum development, teacher training and program implementation.

With your donation, which now exceeds $7,000, you've joined the Producer's Club more than two-fold, and will be covering all of the expenses for both Josie and Nico's Nora Project experiences this year. Amanda, Kate and I will be sending on photos and updates, to keep you apprised of the girls' experiences. And we'll be extending you all an invitation to The Nora Project film festival at Glen Grove School this summer.

Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts. We are so grateful.

Lauren, Amanda, Kate, Josie & Nico

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