From Some Assembly Required
THANKS TO YOU, Some Assembly Required was able to make our biggest donation to date of $28,000. (WGB contributed $13,200 toward this total.)
This amazing donation we are able to make to Ann and Robert H Luries Cardiac ICU will enable us to support parking for many families to remove the burden parking fees pose to families. Thanks to your donations, support at fundraisers, t-shirt sales, birthday donations, and over all generosity we are able to grow our mission. While we know we still have a ways to go to help every family at the Lurie Cardiac ICU, we are beyond grateful to be at this point in our organization all thanks to you!
Please help us keep this mission moving forward by spreading our word and keeping the love alive! Keep an eye out on our social media pages next month, heart month, highlighting some of the many families who have benefited from the Some Assembly Required CCU Parking pass.
So much gratitude from our entire team and our heart warriors. Lauren Shubs President CCU Parent Support Foundation Some Assembly Required #Someassemblyrequiredccu #CCUParentsupport
