Selected and nominated charities
Meeting: November 18, 2024
We raised the largest amount ever at our November meeting -- $27,021!
Amazing news as we tallied up all the generous donations through the end of 2024 -- WGB's collective giving raised much needed funds ($27,021) for six great charities! These included our two nominated charities plus four past supported charities. ​
Nominated by:
Dancing While Cancering, the selected charity at our November meeting garnered an even $5,000. Its mission is to give gifts and experiences that bring joy to the hospital experience for newly diagnosed pediatric cancer patients. These include welcome Smile Packs, Maddie's Character Closet, as well as monthly donut deliveries, bedside craft kits, library installations, playroom renovations, customized care packages or room decorations for children undergoing isolating treatments or prolonged hospital stays.​​​​​​
Meet Live4Lali
Nominated by:
Live4Lali got $2,000 to assist in its mission to reduce the stigma of, and prevent substance abuse disorder. The organization's vision is a world in which they can prevent substance abuse disorder when they can and offer compassionate support to reduce harms among individuals, families, and communities when they cannot. Live4Lali works to reduce stigma and prevent substance use disorder among individuals, families, and communities, and minimize the overall health, legal and social harms associated with substance use. They focuse on education, advocacy, peer-to-peer support, and harm reduction. ​
Elevated Access, whose founder Mike Bonanza spoke at our November meeting received an additional $1,554, on top of the $10,346 members donated at the July meeting. It provides needed support and transportation for people needing reproductive and/or gender affirming care who live in states that don't allow it to states that do.
WGB members were key in getting three past supported charities to meet their match on Giving Tuesday.
Including the match:
The Arnie Schumer Scholarship Fund, within the Center for Independent Futures received $7,455 so it could continue helping adults with challenges afford its needed services.
Some Assembly Required got $5,590.25 from WGB so that it can buy two yearly parking passes for families at Lurie Children's Hospital . Many needy families with kids in the Cardiac Care Unit there will now have free parking while visiting their sick children who are waiting for a heart transplant or other serious surgery.
Our House of Hope Rescue received $5,421.30 to continue its needed work in operating the only free pet food pantry for poor families in Lake County, among other mitzvahs it performs.
Additionally, thank you for your generosity in donating thousands of dollars to assist struggling refugee families pay their rent and provide basic necessities for daily living. That amount is not included in the total, nor is the value of material goods people have donated through the years, whether it be kitchen essentials, school supplies, furniture, pet food and needed items, clothing, food, etc .
Thanks for your generous donations!