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Selected and nominated charities

Meeting: July 15, 2019

Thank you for giving!  


This was our seventh meeting and our members generously donated $7,150.  Our winning charity, Pride ROC Chicago, received a total of $5,850. Another nominated charity, TotalLink2 Community, received $800 from ten people.  In addition, the Karen Dove Cabral Foundation received $500 from six members.  To date, our members have donated over $49,500!

Selected Charity: Pride ROC Chicago (PRC)


Nominated by Tricia Nolan


Pride ROC Chicago (PRC) was founded to combat the violence, poverty, and despair in Englewood that has turned Chicago's inner city into a war zone.  PRC removes young gang members from that environment and takes them to a safe place to eliminate distraction for an eight-day program.  There, in a calming, camp-like environment, they receive group and individualized trauma therapy and participate in meditation, yoga, musical enrichment, and reflection.  All are designed to get them out of the gang mindset.


When they return home, participants are assigned a case manager and they have access to additional trauma therapy and weekly meetings to reinforce what they have learned.  Job enrichment programs are offered as well.  PRC then takes the participants' mothers, grandmother, aunts, and sisters and gives them a parallel experience so these women can reinforce what the young men have learned. 


See more photos from Pride Roc Chicago

Nominated Charity: TotalLink2 Community


Nominated by Bari Kozin


TotalLink2 Community is a Northbrook-based nonprofit that helps individuals living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (18 years or older) and their families in the north suburbs of Chicago. They offer a wide range of services that promote employment, independence and strong social connections in our home communities.  TL2C provides career and vocational services, skill-based coaching, family coaching, and life planning as well as education and consultation for educators, community partners, and other professionals.    


Nominated Charity: The Karen Dove Cabral Foundation


Nominated by Karen Berkowsky


The Karen Dove Cabral Foundation provides financial assistance that fills the gaps for young mothers with breast cancer, whether it be meals, childcare, transportation, housekeeping, integrative medicine, and healing therapies, etc. When a young woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, the demands of the disease can take over her life: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, recovery, recurrence.  The Karen Dove Cabral Foundation is dedicated to improving quality of life for the young breast cancer patient raising a family while balancing the unpredictable challenges of their illness.







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Ra from Pride ROC Chicago 9.10.19.JPG

PRC Founder Ra opening the box with our checks! 

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